
— 欠条借条公证—

  • 建议您在借给他人钱的时候,至少准备一份中文借据,并预约公证员对借款人的签名进行公证
  • 本文提供中文,英文,中英文借据格式模版供您使用
  • 经过公证的借条欠条更容易被法院执行


🏫 法庭、纠纷、商业公司、民间借贷


Loan Agreement

Borrower: [Name of borrower] Lender: [Name of lender] Date of loan: [Date of loan agreement]

Amount of loan: [Amount of loan in numbers and words] Interest rate: [Interest rate or statement that the loan is interest-free] Repayment schedule: [Schedule of payments, including due dates and amounts] Late payment: [Penalties for late payment or statement that late payment will incur penalties] Collateral: [Statement of any collateral used to secure the loan, if applicable] Governing law: [State law governing the loan agreement] Signatures: [Signatures of borrower and lender]

I, [Name of borrower], acknowledge that I have received a loan from [Name of lender] in the amount of [Amount of loan in numbers and words]. I agree to repay this loan according to the terms set forth in this agreement. I understand that failure to make timely payments may result in penalties and damage to my credit rating.

I, [Name of lender], acknowledge that I have loaned [Amount of loan in numbers and words] to [Name of borrower] and that this loan is subject to the terms set forth in this agreement. I understand that failure to make timely payments may result in penalties and legal action to recover the amount owed.

This agreement is governed by the laws of [State of governing law]. Both parties have read and understand the terms of this agreement and agree to abide by them.

Borrower’s signature: ______________________ Lender’s signature: ______________________

Date: ______________________


业务办理,请前往这里 篮子华人百货
* 想成为公证员?请参考《手把手教你注册成为加州公证员
上一篇 2022年11月7日 下午1:53
下一篇 2023年3月29日 上午6:01


